Acupuncture for Pets

Soothing pain, accelerating healing


Acupuncture is an alternative treatment modality that involves inserting hair-thin needles into specific points on the body where nerve bundles and blood vessels meet. Used in traditional Chinese medicine for thousands of years, acupuncture is thought to restore the appropriate flow of Qi, or energy, through the body’s pathways. Western medicine attributes acupuncture’s benefits to stimulation of neural-hormonal pathways, which encourages release of hormones that naturally reduce pain and inflammation. What is acupuncture for pets?

How can acupuncture help my pet?

Acupuncture works naturally with the body to restore harmony and health, and focuses on total body well-being. Use of acupuncture as a natural treatment modality eliminates side effects commonly seen with pharmaceutical products. Acupuncture works with the body to:

  • Stimulate the release of pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory substances
  • Relax muscles at the site of needle insertion, and more distant locations

  • Improve tissue blood flow, oxygenation, and metabolic waste and toxin removal

  • Stimulate the release of pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory substances
  • Relax muscles at the site of needle insertion, and more distant locations
  • Improve tissue blood flow, oxygenation, and metabolic waste and toxin removal

Natural healing provided by veterinary acupuncture can help alleviate signs associated with many issues your pet may face, including the following acute and chronic conditions:
  • Osteoarthritis and degenerative joint disease
  • Intervertebral disc disease and nerve pain
  • Surgery
  • Cancer
  • Hormonal or metabolic conditions
  • Trauma
  • Gastrointestinal problems
  • Idiopathic epilepsy
Most conditions can benefit from acupuncture, including behavior issues such as separation anxiety.
Grooming Services
What can I expect during my pet’s acupuncture treatment? A pet’s initial acupuncture appointment typically lasts one hour, during which time we’ll assess their condition and current treatments while formulating the best acupuncture therapy plan. Once we’ve determined which acupuncture points will be most effective, we place acupuncture needles, which causes little discomfort. In fact, most pets become relaxed during their treatment sessions. After an acupuncture session, your pet may be a bit sleepy, and their condition may appear to worsen before improving. Acupuncture’s benefits are not immediate, and most pets require at least three sessions before substantial improvement is seen.

Acupuncture can help alleviate many signs associated with acute and chronic illnesses. If your pet is struggling with osteoarthritis pain, cancer-related nausea, schedule an appointment for relief, or set up an initial consultation to determine if their condition can benefit from acupuncture.